Maximum 40 visitors plus accompanying 2 teachers/staff
Visitors should be 8 years old or above.
Papermaking workshop: $3800 for up to 40 people (20 people or less can enjoy a limited time discount of 30%off at $2660)
Recycled Paper Diffuser Stone Workshop: $4200 for up to 40 people (20 people or less can enjoy a limited time discount of 30%off at $2940)
喵巴士回收車到校環保活動: (三小時費用: 港幣 $4800)
-額外造紙工作坊收費 ($250/ 每50人)
-額外活動時間 ($500/ 每半小時)
Mil Mill Recycling Bus Campus Environmental Education Activity : (Three-hour fee: HK$4800)
-Includes papermaking workshop (up to 50 people), recycling activity, book drifting/donation, environmental education video screening
-Additional charge for papermaking workshop ($250 per 50 people)
-Additional charge for extra activity time ($500 per half hour)
填寫申請表前請先參閱可供預約之時段。Please refer to the calendar to check the availability.
申請表 Application Form
1. 每團參觀以40人為限(另加最多2名領隊)。
2. 喵坊分為教育中心及工廠兩部分。參觀者必須為8歲或以上。
3. 申請團體請先填妥表格,並按發票繳交參觀費用,預約方能完成。
4. 喵坊會以先到先得方式預留參觀時段予申請團體。
5. 工廠有其特定運作模式,喵坊不會保證參觀其間機器必定正常運行。
6. 喵坊的開放時間為星期一至六上午9時半至下午5時。
7. 學校/團體須自行安排交通,喵坊不提供泊車服務。
8. 如因天氣(如黑色暴雨警告訊號、8號或以上颱風警告訊號),或其他不可預計的情況下引致喵坊關閉,可更改參觀日期或退回全數繳款。
9. 參觀取消須於最少十四天前通知喵坊,否則所繳交的費用將不獲退還。已繳付之款項將根據以下取消租用通知期,按比例退還:
十四天以下 0%
十五天至二十九天 30%
三十天至五十九天 70%
六十天或以上 100%
10. 參加者明白及同意喵坊可能於活動中拍照或錄影以作紀錄,所拍/錄的相片或影像亦會作公開展示或宣傳用途而毋須事先取得參加者的同意,或向參加者或任何人士承擔任何責任。
Terms and Conditions:
1. Tour size is 40 visitors plus accompanying teachers/staff.
2. Mil Mill comprises an education center and the operation plant. Visitors should be 8 years old or above.
3. Successful application should included both completion of this application and settlement of the tour fee.
4. All applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis subject to availability.
5. The mill has its own operations schedule, Mil Mill will not guarantee machines are in operations during the visit.
6. Our opening hours is Mon-Sat 09:30-17:00.
7. Visitors should arrange their own transportation, parking facilities are not provided.
8. Visitors may re-schedule or receive a refund if the booking has been cancelled due to bad weather conditions, such as black rainstorm signal or if typhoon signal number 8 and above are hoisted; or due to other unforeseen situations which Mil Mill was closed.
9. Cancellation of booking should be advised at least 14 days before, otherwise no refund will be made. The proportion of refund will be made in accordance with the following:
Notice of Cancellation Received
Less than 14 days 0%
15 to 29 days 30%
30 to 59 days 70%
60 days and above 100%
10. Participants understand and agree that Mil Mill may use and retain any photographs or videotapes (collectively, "Materials") of the Participants which may be taken during their visits, for any purpose and in all forms without incurring any liability to the Participants or any person (including the requirement to pay any compensation in respect of such use of the Materials).
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